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Rules And Regulations

Rules and Regulations : 

  1. Students are forbidden to bring objectionable literature to the school or to purchase any article of food from unauthorized dealers at or near the school premises
  2. Students are strictly forbidden to bring mobile phones, cameras, I-pod, Bluetooth devices, pen drive etc. and crackers or any sort of firearms to the school. Serious action, to the nature of dismissal from the school, will be taken if found in possession of the same, other than it being confiscated.
  3. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience and   disrespect towards the members of the staff or bad moral influence are sufficient reason for dismissal from the school without further notice or warning.
  4. Attendance in school is compulsory. Absence from school must be supported by a medical certificate. Excuse from school may be granted on compassionate grounds and on a case-by-case basis. All medical certificates or letters of excuse must be submitted to the class Teacher immediately when the student returns to school. Absence without valid reason will be deemed as truancy.
  5. All the students are expected to be regular and punctual; Students should attend the assembly every day.
  6. The students should observe perfect silence while filing on to the assembly ground or computer section, lab, library, music & dance room. Silence enhances concentration and study.
  7. As the medium of instruction is English, all should speak English all the time in the campus and in the school bus.
  8. Students shall not leave school premises without the written permission from the Principal nor shall they contact outsiders without the permission from the school office.
  9. Class work and Home work assigned by the teachers should be done regularly and submitted for correction on due date. Late submission may not be evaluated.
  10. Every student should bring the school almanac daily to school.
  11. In case of leave, the parents should get the leave granted in advance and mention in the leave record page with proper signature along with a separate leave application to the Principal. For sick leave for more than three days, medical certificate should be produced.
  12. Students may be sent home in emergency, but only with the parents. 
           Parents who are coming to collect the students in between the school working hours in case of emergency will have to produce the following documents as identity proof like
    family card/Aadhar Card (original and photocopy) and authorization letter.
    No child will be permitted to leave the campus during the working hours without the production of these documents.
  13. The school authorities will not be responsible for the loss of money, books or any other article of the students.
  14. Students should keep the school premises neat and clean and are not allowed to pluck flowers or fruits from the garden.
  15. A student who comes consecutive 3 days late will not be permitted to attend the school.
  16. No half day leave is allowed without the written application from the parents.
  17. Students shall always uphold the dignity of the institution by their noble behavior, polite language and gentle demeanor and any behavior contrary to these will be deemed as violation of school rules and will invite punishment and reprimands as decided by the competent authorities.
  18. No student is allowed to come to school on two wheelers without proper license and a helmet.
  19. Hair color or streaks are not allowed.
  20. Care must be taken of the school property.  Students must not scratch, scribble or spoil the furniture, write on the walls or in any way damage what is provided for their use. Any damages done will have to be adequately compensated, as decided by the Principal.
  21. Students are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside.  Shouting, whistling and speaking abusive language, running in the school building, insulting or throwing at one another are strictly prohibited.




  1. Pupils must be courteous and respectful to everyone at all times.
  2. Pupils should greet teachers, all other school staff, parents and visitors to the school.
  3. Pupils should be on their best behaviour at all times even outside the school.
  4. Pupils must show care and concern for everyone they meet in the school and the community.
  5. Pupils must have a positive attitude. They should complete their homework neatly and hand it in to the teacher punctually.
  6. Pupils must keep their classrooms and the school premises clean at all times.
  7. Pupils must move briskly and in an orderly manner in the school.



You Can Be A Good Student

  •      Read through and revise all the lessons that have been taught every day.

  •      Pack your books according to the day’s timetable.

  •      Plan a personal time-table and fix your hours of study and play.

  •      Keep your books and stationery neatly in your school bag.

  •      Always do your homework.

  •      Sharpen your pencils daily. Sharp pencils will make a better presentation.

  •      Exercise self-discipline.

  •      Keep as quiet as you can when you assemble in the hall, parade ground and assembly ground.

  •      Pay careful attention to your teacher in class.

  •      Try to talk softly all the times.

  •      Running about in the concourse area will create unnecessary noise.

  •      Keep away from General Office.

  •      Walk briskly along the corridors when you move to another classroom for other activities and lessons.


To Students

  1. Students shall be regular and punctual to school and school activities. The students shall be in the school premises at least 5 minutes (7.30 a.m.) before the first bell. Students may be sent home in the absence of a written explanation from their parents or guardians for being late.
  2. No student is allowed to leave the school premises without the permission of the principal.
  3. As the medium of instruction in the school is English, all are expected and urged to speak English.
  4. Any exchange of articles or money transactions between students is forbidden.
  5. No student shall bring to school any book other than class books or books issued from the library.
  6. No collection for any celebrations should be made without the previous permission of the principal.
  7. If no teacher has arrived at the start of the class the monitor should see the order and discipline in the class. If after three minutes the teacher has not arrived he/she should inform the principal.
  8. Those who reach the school early are expected to be in their seats learning their lessons. Running, playing or shouting in the class room and verandah even during intervals is prohibited.
  9. Class work and Home work assigned by the teachers should be done regularly and submitted for correction on due date.
  10. Those who happen to come late or have been absent on the previous day must bring a written explanation or leave letter duly signed by their parents.
  11. No pupil will be allowed to sit for the final examination unless he/she puts in a minimum of 75% attendance.
  12. Students are not allowed to be noisy while passing class rooms, office or the rooms where teachers assemble.
  13. Students must bring the school diary to class every day. The work assigned for the day should be taken down in the diary.
  14. Neatness in writing, personal and general cleanliness and courtesy of speech are emphasized Spilling of ink, littering, scribbling on school desks or walls, stealing or damaging other students belongings will be severely dealt with. School library books lost or damaged or wrongly handled will have to be paid or replaced.
  15. The name, standard and section of the student should be clearly marked on his / her belongings.
  16. Students may have to stay back or come in the evening for curricular activities when needed by the school.
  17. Students should behave in a refined manner wherever they go. They should greet their teachers when they meet them.
  18. All Students when admitted must themselves be acquainted with the rules notified for their conduct while studying in the school. Ignorance of the rules will be no excuse.
  19. The students should respect the beauty of the school premises and should not pluck or destroy flowers, fruits etc. They should take utmost care to keep the cleanliness of the surroundings.
  20. No half day leave is allowed without the written application from the parents.
  21. Students may be sent home in emergency, but only with the parents. 
           Parents who are coming to collect the students in between the school working hours in case of emergency will have to produce the following documents as identity proof.
      1.  For Kindergarten and classes I-V Family Card provided by the school. For other classes, Aadhar Card (original and photocopy) and authorization letter.
    2. No child will be permitted to leave the campus during the working hours without the production of these documents.
  22. The school does not permit the celebration of birthdays on the school campus. Parents are allowed to send only toffees for the class. No return gifts, cake & other snacks are allowed.
  23. Care must be taken to observe the “green rules” in order to maintain clean, green surrounding. School aims to make the campus free of Polythenes. Parents are requested to co-operate in this effort.



To Parents

  • Parents are expected to take equal interest in the progress of their children and see the children prepare their lesson and encourage them to participate in the activities of the school.
  • Teachers may be contacted only through the principal in connection with any query concerning the progress, conduct and attendance of the student.
  • The reports of the unit tests and terminal examinations should be signed by the parent or guardian and returned on the same day.
  • The School expects the cooperation of the parents to help the children to come to school regularly, punctually and dressed neatly, to maintain their book neatly, to prepare their lesson and homework promptly and to observe the discipline and decorum of the school.
  • Parents and visitors shall first contact the school office for any help. They shall not contact students and teachers without the permission from the principal.
  • When communicating with the Principal, Parents are requested to mention in their letters the class & section of the student.
  • During School hours the student should not be allowed to leave the school premises unless in the case of real necessity when permission will be obtained in writing.
  • Parents are not allowed to enter the class rooms or talk to the teachers during the class hours.
  • Parents/ guardian are requested to notify in writing any changes in their address or telephone number to the school or principal.
  • No exams even the oral exams will be held before or after the given date. Parents are requested not to make unnecessary requests.
  • Check the haircut, uniform and punctuality of your ward in the morning.
  • Children should not bring crackers, colors, transistors, perfumes etc. Your ward should be instructed to be careful about his/her belongings. There should be a name tag on blazers and sweaters. Expensive article like transistors, calculators and cellular phones should not be brought to school.
  • Students suffering from any one of the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class.
    a. Chicken Pox Till complete falling of scabs
    b. Cholera Till the child is completely well
    c. Measles Two weeks after the rash disappears
    d. Mumps Until the swelling is gone
    e. f. Jaundice – Six weeks
  • In case of an appointment with doctor, or if the child has fever, Kindly DO NOT Send the child to school.
  • Escort Card is must to take the students from school in school hours.
  • The school reserves to itself the right to dismiss the students whose diligence or progress in studies is steadily unsatisfactory or whose guardians show little interest in the progress of their wards.  Immorality, grave insubordination, contempt of authority or willful damage to property is always a sufficient reason for immediate dismissal of the respective student.
  • Authorized persons shall only be allowed to escort the students.
  • As your child advances in age, guide him/her to become a resourceful and useful member of home, the society and the country. Encourage self-help in work and study. The child should be taught to keep his room tidy, make his own bed, polish his own shoes, carry his own bag, etc. The formation of such habits early in life creates in him a sense of the dignity of work, which is a fundamental personal virtue, necessary for a successful life.