Director of KDBM international School

Chairperson of KDBM international School
“It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the KDBM International School Website.
All parents want their children to attend the best school. We want our children equipped with all the tools they could need to navigate the uncertain world we find ourselves in today.
Our teachers see education as a personal journey of growth and their role in this journey as facilitators of inquiry and investigation. Every teacher and member of staff at KDBM SCHOOL is deeply committed to their contribution on this journey.
Our shared mission is to mold the young minds entrusted to us into thoughtful, responsible adults not just by providing a multifaceted education but also by celebrating each child for the individuality they bring to the shared learning experience. We value their questions and ideas and interests as a starting point on their journey to discovering themselves and the world in which they live.
As a school, KDBM INTERNATIONAL School is committed to developing thinkers and lifelong learners who make lasting contributions to their communities, county and the world.
Once you have explored our website, I invite you to experience KDBM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL for yourself and your family first hand. You can schedule a school visit and discover for yourself what makes KDBM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL a great school.”
Happy Navigating!
Mrs. ShwetaAnand Tyagi